What if you heard a story that was so devastating and filled with loss? What if that same story showed you the meaning of having hope and resilience? What if that story, was a true story - and it happened to your family?

Would it resonate with you? Would it have an impact?

If you heard what I heard it would, because if you heard what I heard, you would never forget.

“If You Heard What I Heard” is an independent film-based project focused on bringing awareness to the Holocaust by sharing the inspiring true stories of Holocaust survivors as they were heard by the last generation to hear it directly from them…



Today we are proud to announce our fifth release of interviews. All of our interviewees show immense bravery and passion in sharing their stories,. We are honored to be able to share these stories with you.

Click below to watch our trailer from our 4th release of interviews, January, 2023:

Watch the trailer from our third release of interviews, a day before Holocaust Survivor Day in June, 2022:

Watch the trailer from our second release of ten interviews, January 26th, 2022:

In April, 2021, we launched If You Heard What I Heard with 15 original interviews of grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. Watch an overview of their stories below.

To watch the interviews, click the button below or search for a specific interview by interviewee name in the search bar below.